IC-Meter analyses the indoor climate and energy issues by using quality sensors and advanced algorithms without asking Form and consultant visits. IC-Meter automatically retrieves local weather forecasts for any place on earth. By comparing the climate inside a house with the local weather, calculates IC-meter ratios for the building density (air switch), the frequency ventilation to water vapor production, and whether people are present or not.
Combined with an external energy meter, for example. from a power company or IC-Meter’s “digital oil meter” energy consumption can be remotely diagnosed and distributed envelope, air circulation and hot water, and solar heat contribution can be estimated.
“IC-Meter is jointly owned by norwegian SASTECH AS and danish Neogrid Technologies ApS.”

Henrik Stærmose
Henrik is the CEO of ICM and Neogrid Technologies ApS.

Roy Bonnegolt
Chairman of Board
Roy is Chairman of the Board in ICM ApS and CEO of SASTECH AS