

Energirenovering – skal vi nu garantere at regnestykkerne holder?

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Hvis energirenovering skal levere store energibesparelser og tilfredse kunder skal byggebranchen vænne sig til to nye begreber – kvalitetskontrol og ansvar for den faktiske ydelse, mener Göran Wilke, CEO i IC-Meter og tidligere direktør i Elsparefonden

Tekst af Kasper Jørgensen

Som arkitekt er det en spændende udfordring at modernisere en ældre ejendom og give den nye kvaliteter og funktioner. Rådgivere og entreprenører skal tilsvarende bruge alle deres færdigheder til at skrue projekter sammen, der får krav til indeklima, energi og økonomi at gå op i en højere enhed.

-Men der er et problem, som risikerer at skræmme kunderne væk. Virkeligheden matcher sjældent de projekter som kunden fik tilbudt. Det faktiske energiforbrug er typisk langt større, og de velisolerede og tætte bygninger har tit problemer med indeklimaet.

Det siger Göran Wilke, der er CEO for IC-Meter og tidligere mangeårig direktør i Elsparefonden. Energirenovering er den største post i den danske klimastrategi frem imod 2050. Her forventes det, at husejerne af fri vilje og for egne midler skal reducere varmeforbruget til ca. det halve. Det vil næppe ske, medmindre energirenovering udvikles til et moderne marked, hvor der konkurreres på faktisk kvalitet, målinger og ydelsesansvar.

– Det er på høje tid, at byggebranchen er sit ansvar bevidst og forstår, at kunderne faktisk forventer at få det, som de har bestilt. Teknologien til f.eks. at adskille energieffekter af bygning og brugeradfærd findes, således at en entreprenør kan gøres ansvarlig for bygningens klimaskærm, men selvsagt ikke for uhensigtsmæssig brugeradfærd, siger han.

Værktøj til at tjekke indeklima og energi før og efter renovering

Firmaet IC-Meter har lanceret et måle- og analyseprojekt, hvor en bygnings indeklima og energiforbrug analyseres før og efter modernisering, og serverer målepunkter til f.eks. Commissioning-aftaler.

-Energiforbruget beregnes som en afledt effekt af brugeradfærd og forskel i indeklima og lokalt vejr. Med avancerede algoritmer kan vi f.eks. påvise, hvorfor energiforbruget bliver for højt. Er det fordi, bygningen er dårligt isoleret, er det fordi, folk går meget i bad eller har det rigtig varmt. Vi adskiller disse faktorer fra hinanden med mulighed for at placere ansvar og betaling de rigtige steder, siger Göran Wilke og fortsætter:

-Konceptet handler om at vi giver ejere, driftspersonale og brugere feedback på deres respektive aktiviteter. Smart drift handler jo om at få et godt indeklima til lavest mulig miljøbelastning og omkostning.

IC-Meter leverer værktøjer til ejendoms- og boligselskaber, der omfatter indeklima- og energiovervågning, varmeregnskaber, målepunkter til renoveringsaftaler, klagehåndtering samt optimeret styring af varme- og ventilationsanlæg. Mere info på

IC-Meter launches Activity Index & Week Calendar

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– Tools for Facility Management, BMS and contracts for Indoor Climate services

It is vital to know when and how you are using your rooms – for a number of reasons.

  • When are your activity peaks, do you have sufficient space, or are your office empty most of the day?
  • Is there anyone present at times where the room is supposed to be empty?

IC-Meter has developed an Activity Index to handle these questions. The Activity Index gives a classification of the actual human activity during the day. The theory behind the Activity Index is that the patterns in witch indoor parameters changes are quite different, in situation with high and low human activity.

The Activity Index has four classes: ‘Very High’, ‘High’, ‘Low’ and ‘Very Low’ activity. The Activity Index is calculated every hour and communicated to all IC-Meter Box owners as a free service.

Read the full article here: IC-Meter newsletter Oct. 2015

Lærerne mere syge: Indeklima forværret i skolerne efter reformen

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Særtryk af artikel i Ingeniøren, 20. oktober 2015

Af René Kornum 20. okt 2015 kl. 05:00

Sygefraværet hos lærerne er stigende, og skolereformens indførelse af længere ophold i
klasselokalerne er en af årsagerne, mener både forskere, skoleledere og lærerne selv. De peger
derfor samstemmende på de problemer med indeklimaet i danske skoler, der er dokumenteret i
flere rapporter gennem de seneste år.

Læs artiklen 2015-10-20 Ingeniøren – Lærerne mere syge. Indeklima forværret

Free Cloud services with ‘Big Data’-features for smart meters (heat, electricity and water)

By | IC-Meter | No Comments
IC-Meter launches new free Cloud-services for smart meter data. The services include storage, statistics, key figures, and graphs for heat, electricity and water consumption data. On top of this the Cloud services offer ‘Big Data’-algorithms to

  • Analyze a buildings energy use for heating or cooling, as a response to differences in indoor and outdoor climate
  • Analyze indoor climate and energy consumption as a response to the actual (hour) activity in the building, based on a new Activity Index.

The IC-Meter Box measures indoor climate (temperature, humidity, CO2 and noise), with professional sensors. Data are uploaded every 5th minute (GSM) to the Cloud-services and merged with local weather data and smart meter data.

Requirement: An automatic upload procedure for meter data (consumption data for a day or an hour) and data in an authorized data format. There should be at least one IC-Meter Box in the building.

The IC-Meter Concept

Click here to see Monthly indoor- and energy report for Green Tech Center Vejle, DK.

Get more information on or contact

IC-Meter:  phone: +45 23 25 75 77

IC-Meter News: Calibration of CO2 sensor

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Calibration of CO2 sensor

IC-Meter is equipped with a high quality CO2 sensor from the company Senseair (S8). Professional sensors are typically calibrated once a year to ensure that measurement values do not gradually shift within the scale.

IC-Meter offers two forms of calibration that the user can perform.

Manual calibration in clean air

The first method is calibration in clean air. Put the IC-Meter in clean air with the power supply connected. After a few minutes push a paper clip 5-6 times quickly in the small hole at the top of the box. After a few minutes the box will perform an additional measurement which immediately gets calibrated as 400 ppm. If the box subsequently blinks green slowly at the bottom, the calibration has been successfully performed. This method is recommended before installation of an IC-Meter.

Automatic calibration based on lowest CO2 value during a week IC-Meter has built in Senseair automatic calibration. Thus the CO2 scale is calibrated by comparing the lowest value of the week with the CO2 value of clean air (400 ppm). The scale shifts slightly by each calibration until the lowest value is close to the 400 ppm.

This kind of calibration is enabled by Default and is suitable when a room is periodically empty and the air is changed at least once a week.

If the IC-Meter is put in a room where periodical air change is in doubt, the automatic calibration should be disabled. The same applies if IC-Meter is put in a ventilation shaft or similar.

The automatic calibration can be disabled in the settings menu (the wheel at the top right corner) by clicking on Advanced and then disabling “Activate auto-calibration”.

IC-Meter is used in a larger development project

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IC-Meter is used in a larger development project under the Ministry of Housing, Urban and Rural Development in collaboration with DTU Civil Engineering, Lejerbo DEAS. Read about the news and download the report on Dynamic Heating Accounting with a focus on indoor air quality in houses.



IC-Meter, now on the market

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New product focuses on indoor climate and energy

June 20, 2013

A brand new concept that works as a Plug ’n Play focuses on indoor climate and energy on workplaces, in schools and in homes. The name is IC-Meter – Indoor Climate Meter.

A good indoor climate is essential for our health and well-being. The problem is simply that the indoor environment is rarely measured nor visualized. A little strange considering the fact that the world population lives a large part of their life indoors. For Northern Europeans as much as 90% of the time is spent indoors.

It is a fact that indoor climate in schools, homes and on workplaces often borderline the required needs and recommendations. This influences on our well-being and on our abilities to learn and focus.
Therefore, there are many good reasons to visualize the indoor climate and to get documentation on temperature, humidity, CO2 and air turnover where we work and live.

In the years to come many buildings are to undergo energy renovations in Denmark. Denmark’s ambition is to in 2050 to halve the energy consumption for heating. One of the real challenges is that the projects mostly deliver disappointing results as to the energy savings. The cases often end up with the question:

-Has the builder delivered the agreed technical energy savings or are the disappointing results due to changes in indoor climate and user behavior?

The IC-Meter concept is developed to handle both challenges and act as competent umpire.

What is IC-Meter?

Indoor Climate Meter (IC-Meter) visualizes and analyses indoor climate in a room or a building. The IC- Meter concept is comprised by a data measurement device, a server and website with APP client for mobile units (IOS/Android). The meter device delivers accurate information for temperature, humidity and – as a new feature on the consumer market – it measures the level of CO2. Measurements are uploaded to the server every 5 minutes, via client’s own WiFi/Internet. The server retrieves automatically local weather forecasts for any place on Earth.

The users gets it all presented on their PC and smartphone. At the same time, data is saved – the “black box” of the building.

Click on for more info on IC-Meter. Here you can view the current indoor climate at Dansk Byggeri, DTU, Dansk Standard, CBS, Insero/Horsensfonden and in an office in Spain, etc.


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Good indoor climate in live lab

18th of June 2013 by Insero
Product and Marketing Development in a large prestige project with participation of real users! These are a few of the possibilities that the company, IC-Meter views by participating at Insero Live Lab – a large and alive laboratory that will be located in the area of Horsens, Denmark.



In the new ‘Living Lab’ 25 Danish families will get their homes upgraded as intelligent homes of the future with the newest energy and information technology connected to and controlled by a Smart Grid. The families are going to test these technologies in real live and develop on them together with suppliers and producers.
Read the article (Danish): Good indoor climate in live lab




Article in ‘Ingeniøren’

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20 percent of Danish classrooms have CO2 concentrations at levels where the ability of the children to take rational decisions drop to a ‘dysfunctional’ level

By Ulrik Andersen, Ingeniøren, 16th of April 2013

High CO2 levels in Danish classrooms ruin learning

Even minor CO2 concentrations reduce humans’ ability to perform. This is shown by an American study for which the results were published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives December 2012.